lunes, 31 de mayo de 2021

You want a healthy life


Did you know that Mexico is one of the highest countries in terms of obesity and poor health since a large part of the population has these problems due to having bad habits such as eating junk food, sedentary lifestyle, lack of exercise and poor diet, in addition to vices, for example: alcohol and tobacco since these are too dangerous for health.

The Covid-19 pandemic has put the mental condition of many celebrities to the test, not only that, that of many of their followers who see them as an example to follow. The most extreme case is that of Xavier Ortiz, a former member of the Garibaldi group, who lost his life after a depressive process, accentuated by isolation. But there are many celebrities who have recognized feeling unstable at this time.

Healthy life

Good health habits can help you avoid illness and improve your quality of life. The following steps will help you feel and live better.

Get regular exercise and weight control.

No Smoking.

DO NOT drink a lot of alcohol and avoid it

Use medications prescribed by your healthcare provider.

Eat a healthy and balanced diet.

Taking care of teeth.

Control high blood pressure.

Follow good security practices.

                     Have you ever wondered?

  • Why is we going to eat fats food?, Where is it going to go fast food
The secretary of public health, proposed a campaign called "We are going toe at healthy" whose objective is to make known what a sedentary life is and a healthy life, as well as the risks of eating poorly.

The lawyer Margarita Zavala, intervener and motivator of this campaign, went to the center of Cuernavaca to carry out some surveys to find out how they could work in this campaign, so what the citizens asked and answered was the following:

  • ·         Are you going to go run often?             No: 14  Yes: 8
  • ·         Are you going to go Gym often?           No: 16   Yes: 9
  • ·         Are you going to eat fast food?             No: 5     Yes: 15
  • ·         Are you going to Visit nutriologist?      No: 3    Yes: 9
  • ·         Are you going to go sleep late?             No: 5     Yes: 10

Thanks to this survey, he proposed many activities, to make more didactic, all this topic to learn well and achieve better results.

  • Then he started with a talk about comparing fast food and fruits and vegetables.
  • The hamburgués are more Delicious than Bananas, but the bananas are more nutritious than hamburgués. 
  • The pizza is bigger than strawberry, but the strawberry is cheaper than pizza

Damián Báez Kevin Alberto 19793018

martes, 20 de abril de 2021

Obesity in Mexico and how to lead a life to the fullest

 The pandemic and obesity

The confinement and uncertainty caused by the pandemic will leave their mark on the Mexican scale. An average of 8.5 extra kilograms and an increase in the rates of overweight and obesity, according to the experts and reports consulted, will be the bill that citizens will pay for these months of red and orange traffic lights, where losses, problems accumulate financial and stress. In the study Actions and interventions for weight loss, published by the multinational market research company Ipsos, a group of scientists explored eating and exercise habits in 30 different countries during the coronavirus pandemic. According to their findings, Mexicans are the ones who have gained the most weight during the pandemic, since on average they gained 8.5 kilos. Saudi Arabia follows with eight kilos; Argentina with 7.9 kilos and Peru with 7.7 kilos. The world average is 6.1 extra kilograms.

During the first months of the so-called National Day of Healthy Distance - a package of measures promoted by the Ministry of Health to prevent the spread of the epidemic, which began a year ago, on March 23, 2020 - changes in habits were registered. food of Mexicans. To give some examples, during confinement, the consumption of alcoholic beverages increased by up to 300%, compared to 2019, according to those in charge of specialized stores such as La Europea or Bodegas Alianza. Prepared flours, frozen foods, soft drinks and dressings also registered an increase in sales of up to 20%, according to data from Nielsen México and the National Chamber of the Canned Food Industry (Canainca). “Since many of my patients started working from home, it allowed them to have better habits and consequently lose weight. That happened a lot in people who ate in restaurants or who traveled a lot and did not have routines. 

What is the relationship between obesity and anxiety??

Learn more: 4 tips to differentiate between emotional hunger and physical hunger

In addition, constantly feeling anxiety tends to cause insomnia, which causes the body to feel the need to eat a greater amount of food during the day, generally also high in calories.

To combat it, health experts recommend trying to control anxiety levels. To achieve this, they advise carrying out actions such as:

* Detect the moments when we feel anxious and try to avoid them.

* Find alternatives to food to reduce symptoms of anxiety, such as walking, exercising, reading, listening to music, etc.

* Learn relaxation techniques and get proper rest every night.

Small changes, big results

First of all, you need to change your eating habits:

*Introduce abundant raw or cooked fruits and vegetables (at least five units a day), skim milk, whole grains.

* Select lean cuts of meat and fish. Cook them with low-fat procedures (baked, grilled, steamed, papillote, etc.)

Watch the amounts and try to reduce little by little the consumption of salt and alcohol.

*Drink at least 1.5 to 2 liters of water daily.

I have proposed many activities, to make them more didactic, all this topic to learn well and achieve better results.

  • The pizza is bigger than strawberry, but the strawberry is cheaper than pizza
  • The soda is more expensive than juice,but juice is prettier than soda
  • The cookies is color more colorful than broccoli, but the broccoli is more healthy than cookie

  • this was a team effort and you are thanked for reading thanks

    • Damian Baez Kevin Alberto 19793018
    • Sanchez Reyes Jesus Eduardo 19793010
    • Santos Corona Sergio 19793049 

    jueves, 18 de octubre de 2018

    Cómo Activar o habilitar tu servidor DNS

    Como Activar o habilitar tu servidor DNS

    1. Primero nos vamos a la esquina donde nos muestra la conectividad a internet y e damos clic derecho en abrir centro de redes y recursos compartidos.

    2. Nos mostrará el siguiente cuadro en donde le daremos coneccion de area local o ala red a la que se está conectado(a).

    3. Nos abrirá un recuadro donde le daremos clic en la parte de propiedades.

    4. nos abrira un recuadro en el cual daremos clic en donde dice "protocolo de internet versión 4 (TCP / IPv4).

    5. Nos vamos a propiedades y nos abrira esta ventana.

    6. en las casillas le seleccionaremos usar las siguientes direcciones del servidor DNS después en los recuadros que se encuentran en la parte inferior le pondremos los pines (8888:8844).

    7. despues le daremos en Validar configuración al salir.

    8. a finalizar todos los pasos anteriores e daremos en aceptar para que nos pueda salir este recuadro el cual nos dirá detectando problemas  y le pondremos en cancelar y cerramos todo.

    9. para verificar que ya está habilitado o activado el servidor DNS  nos dirigimos al símbolo del sistema o CMD.

    10. Después pondremos la palabra ipconfig/all y le damos enter y nos dará todos los datos en donde buscaremos la palabra configuración automática habilitada tiene que decir la palabra si.

    11. Luego pondremos la palabra ping en la parte vacía de abajo y verificamos en paquetes debe decir Enviados=4,Recibidos=4 y Perdidos=0 ( si hay pérdidas significa que no se ha habilitado bien su servidor DNS) y si no hay pérdidas tu servidor DNS está funcionando con éxito.

    ¡¡Muchas Gracias por leer esta pequeña informacion espero que te sirva de algo!!

    AUTOR: Kevin Alberto Damian Baez y Axel Morales Castillo 5° "CP"
     del Instituto: CETis 151.